遺産の真実 The Truth About Relics
(玄関ホール 昼)
Entrance Hall | Daytime
エーデルガルト: そろそろ出陣の時間ね。用意はいい?
Edelgard: It's almost time to depart. Are you ready?
Choice 1: 任せてくれ Leave it to me.
エーデルガルト: 頼もしい返事ね。相手に隙だけは見せないで。
Edelgard: A promising answer. Whatever happens, never allow your foe to see any weakness.
Choice 2: 勝てそうにない I don't think we can win.
エーデルガルト: 確かに相手は強敵よ。でも戦う前からそんなことは言わないで。
Edelgard: I agree that Claude will prove a difficult foe. Still, do not speak such words right before a battle.
エーデルガルト: クロードは軍略もそうだけれど、彼自身にも注意を払わなければいけないわ。
Edelgard: We must pay attention not only to Claude's schemes but to the man himself.
He's a master archer who wields the legendary bow Failnaught. He won't fall easily.
Byleth: 魔弓フェイルノート…… Failnaught...
エーデルガルト: リーガン家に伝わる英雄の遺産よ。フォドラ十傑の一人が使った弓ね。
Edelgard: It's the Relic of House Riegan. That bow once belonged to one of the 10 Elites.
Professor... Do you know the true story behind the legend?
The Relics were created by the hands of mankind. Seiros collected them after killing the 10 Elites.
Seiros manipulated the people of the world and defeated the all-powerful King Nemesis.
Choice 1: ネメシスは邪に染まったのでは I thought he was corrupted by his power?
エーデルガルト: それはセイロス教団が広めた偽りの歴史。本当は、ただ争ったに過ぎない。
Edelgard: That's the history the Church of Seiros maintains. However, it was little more than a simple dispute.
Choice 2: そんなことが…… Why would she do that?
エーデルガルト: 教団はネメシスが邪に染まったという偽りの歴史を広めた。本当は、ただ争っただけ。
Edelgard: The church maintains the false history that he was corrupted and turned evil. However, it was little more than a simple dispute.
エーデルガルト: 人の上に立つのが人なのか、それとも人ならざるものなのか……。
Edelgard: Should the one leading the people of the world be someone with humanity or a creature that can merely masquerade as a human at will?
In the end, Seiros was victorious. The Immaculate One and her family then took control of Fódlan.
I know this because that knowledge is passed down from emperor to emperor.
And that is the because the first emperor is the human who cooperated with Seiros, allowing humanity to be controlled in secret.
Byleth: ……………… ...
エーデルガルト: 貴方が解放王ネメシスと同じ“天帝の剣”を持っているのは、運命なのかもしれない。
Edelgard: Perhaps it's fate that you can wield the Sword of the Creator, just like Nemesis, the King of Liberation.
And that very fate will lead you to use that sword to stand against those who would distort history.